Panettone Studio requires that all suppliers adhere with our code of conduct. We work with factories that focus on sustainability and ethical. Ensuring our co-workers to have a healthy and equal workplace respecting their rights.


Location: Switzerland
Founded in 2017

Daily working hours: between 8:00h - 17:00h with 60 minutes lunch break and an afternoon coffee break of 15 minutes. Paid Holidays: 4 working weeks


Location: Izmir, Turkey
Founded in 1995
Certificates: SMETA - Sedex members

Daily working hours: between 8:30h - 18:00h with a morning break between 10:00h - 10:15h, lunch break between 12:30h -13:15h and an afternoon break between 16:00h -16:15h. Paid Holidays: 14 working days. 


Location: Vietnam
Founded in 2013

Daily working hours: between 7:45h - 18:00h with a morning break of 15 minutes, 60 minutes lunch break and an afternoon break of 15 minutes. Paid Holidays: 1 working weeks and 13th month bonus salary.



       1. Employment

1.1 There shall be no forced labour.

No supplier shall engage in or support the use of forced or compulsory labour.  No supplier shall retain original identification papers and shall not require personnel to pay 'deposits' to the organisation upon commencing employment.

1.2 There shall not be any use of child labour.

No supplier shall engage in or support the use of child labour under 18 years of age, unless the minimum age for work or mandatory schooling is higher by local law, in which case the higher age will apply. Suppliers must verify the age of all employees and maintain copies of their workers proof of age.

1.3 People under 20 years of age shall not be employed at night or in hazardous conditions.

No supplier shall employ anyone under the age of 20 to work during the night. Hazards shall include, but not be limited to; fire safety, building safety, machine safety, chemical safety, and health safety.

1.4 There is no discrimination

Suppliers shall not discriminate in hiring, training, promotion, termination or retirement based on age, gender, race, caste, national origin, religion, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, union membership or political affiliation.


      2. Wages

2.1 All wages shall meet the local minimum standard.

Wages shall be at least sufficient to meet the basic needs of all employees.

2.2 Hours of work per week shall not exceed the maximum hours established by local law

Normal and overtime hours shall not exceed the maximum hours established by local law, and workers are to receive leave entitlement of at least one day off per working week.

2.3 Excessive overtime is prohibited.

Working hours should not exceed 52 hours in any 7 days period.


      3. Working conditions

3.1 A safe and hygienic working environment shall be provided.

All suppliers shell ensure any and all working locations meet all local health and safety laws in their respected industry as well as take precautions to prevent any accident or health accidents.

3.2 Access to bathrooms and clean water shall be provided


      4. Disciplinary Practices

4.1 No harsh or inhumane treatment is allowed

Physical, verbal and sexual abuse or threats are prohibited.


     5. Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining

5.1 All suppliers shall recognise the right of employees to freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining.